Friday 11 March 2016

We all have those days....

We all have those days when we feel a little 'bleugh' and for me that is today!

Yes, I've resolved to be positive and yet, although I'm not feeling 'negative', I'm not overly great. I've got a cold, my throat is swollen, my head is thumping and it's really really cold and I cannot get warm!!

So what do I do? How can I get myself back into my positive frame of mind?

Well, I'm wondering if I need to.... I mean, perhaps sometimes, you just need to have a few hours of 'down-time' and I mean, let your body and mind just go to that place - put on a weepy film, and let out any of that frustration or tension that may have built up, without you even realising it!

I don't advise having major days in bed, watching weepy films and having vodka depression nights! In fact, I would advise avoiding alcohol whilst in this state of mind! Trust me, it doesn't help, it makes you feel worse.....! No, save that for when you are with friends - not alone.

What I usually do on these days is take a time out to let myself feel all those things - and then, here's the great part....  I cheer myself up with some good music, maybe I dance about the room, watch something funny - for me it would be watching Sarah Millican - she is just sooo funny!!!! And then I'm weeping tears of laughter and it feels blooming great!!!!!!

So this isn't much of a beauty blog post, you may be thinking, but you see, to me, beauty is not only skin deep - it's about your whole being, your mind, body and spirit are one and we need those 3 to be in harmony. We will have days when things aren't great, and I know I like to do my best to inspire and inject positivity into all my friends and followers, but hey, I'm still only human and I get days when I can't do it!

If I need a bit more than the above, then that's when I pick up the books - books on Mindfulness are great, they aren't too preachy - they remind you what to feel grateful for, and even have some yoga exercises in some.

Examples of Mindfulness books

Exercise is great, maybe just going outside for a walk - in fact, just go outside into your garden, if you have one, or to the local park, and listen to the birds, watch them fly about. Look at the flowers, or if, like it is now, it's winter (in March..!!!) then just watch all the new buds of life growing, see the little snowdrops with their bowing heads, or the happy daffodils - it's all AMAZING! And we are a part of this amazing world - just think of that!!

You are amazing and if you close your eyes and really concentrate on your breathing, in and out, fully expanding the lungs and then just smile, it's amazing how good you can feel.

From the start of my typing this, til now, which really was only about 20 minutes, although I obviously didn't watch a film, or dance about to music, I actually feel pretty darn good!!!! I think that just remembering the simple things in life can sometimes make you feel happy.

So sending love and light to you all!!!!


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